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Whether you’re a specialist, general practitioner, nurse, physical therapist or related medical professional who treats patients suffering with bladder or bowel disorders, you’ll find a wealth of resources on the following pages, all designed to help you deliver the best possible care. Our goal is to support you with tools and insights that directly enhance the lives of your patients and improve your practice.  

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Providers

Whether you’re a specialist, general practitioner, nurse, physical therapist or related medical professional who treats patients suffering with bladder or bowel disorders, you’ll find a wealth of resources on the following pages, all designed to help you deliver the best possible care. Our goal is to support you with tools and insights that directly enhance the lives of your patients and improve your practice.  

What's New ?

Hints and Tips 1

Bladder Health Awareness Month

Bladder Health Awareness Month November is National Bladder Health Awareness Month, and the team at the National Association for Continence is launching a major campaign to reach as many patients

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