Thank You – Donation
Thank you for your donation! Your support today makes it possible for us to continue developing meaningful, effective educational materials and programs for a full range of bladder and bowel conditions. As much as it means to us, it means even more to the millions of patients who visit us throughout the year in search of help, insight and a caring community.
In appreciation of your generosity, we have developed the following free resource packets that contain valuable information to help patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals in the treatment of incontinence.
Please click on the appropriate item below for your downloadable packet, and use it in good health.
Patient & Caregiver Resources
Includes many of our most popular publications:
Getting Started With Your Incontinence Treatment
Tips for Bladder Retraining
Bladder Retraining Brochure
Bladder Diary
Home Hygiene Brochure
Plus a special offer on incontinence products!
Healthcare Provider Resources
Features resources to promote quality patient encounters:
Discussion guides for bedwetting, neurogenic bladder and nocturia
Guide for caregivers
OAB screening tool
Bladder, stool, bedwetting and nocturia diaries
Special product offer
Bladder Health Awareness Month
Bladder Health Awareness Month November is National Bladder Health Awareness Month, and the team at the National Association for Continence is launching a major campaign
The Emotional & Physical Toll of IBD
4th Annual Patient Survey As with urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence is embarrassing and perhaps even harder to talk about. At NAFC, we have worked hard
Using a Bladder Diary or Bowel Diary
Keeping track of your bathroom habits may seem a little strange at first, but it is a great way for you to see trends over
Bladder Health Awareness Month
Bladder Health Awareness Month November is National Bladder Health Awareness Month, and the team at the National Association for Continence is launching a major campaign