
Andrew Stocking, Phd.

Andrew Stocking NAFC Board Member
Andrew Stocking, Ph.D., is the President of Principle Business Enterprises and a member of the third generation of the founders. Andrew is passionate about improving the lives of customers through best-in-class products; PBE associates through an innovative and transformative benefit program, and the surrounding community through corporate engagement. Andrew is committed to American manufacturing in the Midwest. Prior to leading PBE, Andrew held a succession of roles within the federal government, including Senior Advisor for Economics and Energy Security at the Department of Energy and Market Design Economist at the Congressional Budget Office in the healthcare unit and microeconomic studies unit. In those roles, Andrew contributed to policy debates about a variety of topics, including Medicare, Medicaid, clean power, auction design, oil and gas development, prescription drug benefits, the strategic petroleum reserve, Chinese trade policy, electricity markets, and competition in healthcare. In recognition of his work on energy security at the Department of Energy, Andrew was awarded the Secretary of Energy’s Honor Award in 2016. Andrew was also Vice President of Business Development and Vice President of Nonprofit Strategy at, a Silicon Valley web startup. Andrew has been an adjunct professor in Economics at the University of Maryland and is currently adjunct professor at Bowling Green State University in the business school. Andrew has a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, master’s degree in civil engineering, both from Stanford University and a master’s degree and PhD in Resource Economics from the University of Maryland.
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