
Amanda K. Berry, PhD, MSN, BSN, CPNP


Charleston, S.C. (December, 2020) – The National Association For Continence had the honor of naming Dr. Amanda Berry as the most recent recipient of the Rodney Appell Continence Care Champion Award at the Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates (SUNA) meeting.

Dr. Berry is a nurse practitioner with a special interest in working with children with incontinence, lower urinary tract symptoms, and recurrent urinary tract infections. In her approach to care, she believes that it’s just as important to know the child as it is to know the problem they come to see her for advice. By leveraging the strengths and natural curiosity of each child, she works to create solutions unique to both the child and family.

Dr. Berry is known by her peers her commitment, expertise, and local and national reputation in the area of pediatric urology and continence care for children and adolescents.

Dr. Berry demonstrates an incredible dedication to excellence in care daily in her clinical practice. The children and their families who rely on the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Urology Division are often the most complex, vulnerable, and needy of any patient population. Dr. Berry provides evidence-based, individualized care with skill and compassion. Originally a PhD-prepared chemist, she returned for a second degree in nursing and then as a nurse practitioner and has focused her entire NP career on pediatric urology and continence care. In addition to providing direct care, she has contributed to scholarship and service by speaking locally and nationally on important pediatric issues (e.g., outcomes of biofeedback in children with incontinence), is a co-investigator on a Federal grant to address prevention of UI in girls and women, and has published her work in highly-regarded journals. Her SUNA colleagues praise her as committed colleague for the local SUNA chapter. Even when the meeting is focused on adult urology, Dr. Berry attends, provides support and is a true joy to know and work with.

Dr. Berry earned her undergraduate and graduate nursing degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She earned her PhD in chemistry from the University of Rochester.

“It is with great pleasure that we honor Dr. Berry for her incredible leadership and service in the field of urological care,” said Steven G. Gregg, Ph.D.,Executive Director for the National Association for Continence. “Dr. Berry’s commitment to superior care for the children and the families she serves is evident in the praise she receives from colleagues and patients. Dr. Berry is deserving of this role and we look forward to her continued contributions in this field.” 


National Association for Continence is a national, private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with incontinence, voiding dysfunction and related pelvic floor disorders. NAFC’s purpose is to be the leading source for public education and advocacy about the causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatments and management alternatives for incontinence. More information is available online at
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